Friday, September 22, 2006

Good morning from the new grad....

Good morning all! To the friendly local blogger who recommended Rosso for coffee, can I say thank you, thank you, thank you! Found it this morning on my way to conference - I only wish I had looked harder earlier in the week. In return, can I say if you are ever in the suburb of Kogarah in Sydney, be sure to get your coffee from Kamaiki - terrific Greek cafe with a lot of similarities to Rosso.

I learned yesterday that I can continue to call myself a new grad for 5 years! Thanks to those who organised yesterday's gold medal ceremony recognising coaches and mentors - the value of those we work with is often overlooked in the day to day pressure of the workplace. I started out thinking 'what a shame' that so many of those nominated weren't there in person to receive their medals, but in the end it was quite funny that they weren't - it certainly kept the ceremony light hearted!

I said I would talk about colour and atmosphere at Click06 - allow me to digress a little and describe the city streets this morning. They are full of people in business suits wearing footy scarves. Seriously. With both the Dockers and the Eagles playing finals this weekend - footy fever has reached quite a scary pitch here - it's almost like being in Melbourne. I caught a bus yesterday that had blue and yellow streamers tied to every handrail in the bus - I dread to think what all the sweaty hands had done to those by the end of peak half-hour. Being a Swans supporter myself, I think tonight might be a good time to get on a plane and head out of the West....




At 2:31 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're very glad you liked the Coaches Gold Medal Ceremony - recognising mentors in the workplace was exactly what we wanted to do. All the people who weren't there will have their certificate and medal posted out to them - and look out for some more info about the ceremony in the next issue of InCite!


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