Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A view from the Exhibition

This is probably my 25th library conference of one kind or another, but it's the first time I haven't attended as a delegate. This time I'm with the trade exhibitors, working on the ALIA stand. It's more different than I could have imagined. First of all - my feet hurt from standing, secondly - my face hurts from smiling!
The actual conference is happening somewhere off stage and we're aware of it only from the ebbs and flows of delegates. When the sessions finish, we're swamped and when they resume, we're abandoned.
Part of my job on the ALIA stand is to offer copyright advice, but so far no one has asked me - they are either all very copyright aware or they don't know I'm here - must try to market myself somehow. As I visit the other trade stands and introduce myself, I do get some interest, particularly from the publishers, so I don't think my time is wasted.
More later...

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